Monday, 10 December 2012

Pure happiness

I just had an absolutely amazing weekend. Where? With who? I think you might know it (if you don't, it was in Aalborg, with Peter, of course).
We spent Friday night out, first at a bar drinking a couple of beers with his mum and her friend, followed by drinking at 1000Fryd at a free show with our friends. Just lovely.
Saturday, we cuddled, helped Peter's brother moving, went to Morten's place, went home, buying sweets, soda and Chinese on our way home, at then we just cuddled up all night, watching Disney cartoons. We cuddled so much it almost made me sick, haha, I just love it! We were supposed to go to this small Christmas market in Aalborg, to drink hot cocoa, share a candied apple and take a ride in the Ferris wheel, but they closed already at 17 (5 p.m.), so we weren't going to have this small, romantic winter-wonderland. Unfortunately. But that's what happens, we just went home for a cuddle instead, which I am alright with.
Sunday, we - wait for it... cuddled! Yes, we cuddled some more. It had been snowing all night, so there was this thick, white carpet all over the streets, so we putted on come clothes and went out for a little walk before I had to go home. We bought a sandwich at Bogø (best sandwich shop ever!!!) and took a ride in the Ferris wheel afterwards. If it wasn't because of the cloudy weather, the view would've been absolutely fantastic. We didn't expect that you could see that much of Aalborg, but, well, you could. All the way from the east harbour, to the stadium in west Aalborg. Afterwards, we went to a café and had an Irish Coffee, a little chat and a lot of kisses.
All in all: a successful weekend.

I wanted to take some pictures of all the Christmas decorations, but... I guess we were just too busy doing other stuff. For instance, Peter just had two new babies on Thursday. Two cute, little baby rats. So adorable! So we cuddled with them a lot and I took pictures of them, instead of the city. But that's alright too.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Aalborg, I miss you so.

I miss Aalborg so bad, you can not believe it. I have already been looking at student flats for when I'm done with my Gymnasium in Copenhagen. There is this one specific flat that I want so very, very bad. It is about 50 square meters, it has a large kitchen for it's size with space for an oven and to invite friends and family (yeah, more than one) over for dinner. Large bedroom, an alright living room and just a normal bathroom. The rent is affordable for a student (perhaps with a little help from my parents for food and stuff like that) and it is not just near the city, it is in the city, center of Aalborg. I am so in love with this flat and I really hope I get it, but I guess I shouldn't expect too much. But there are other flats I'd like too, so it's not like I'd get all depressed and disappointed if I don't get this one. I'd just really like this one.

All in all, I really can't wait to get away from Copenhagen. I was born here, I was raised here, but I do most certainly not feel like I'm at home anymore. I feel a lot better in Aalborg, it's just the right city for me. It has the right size, the right things and the right prices for me. Instead of taking the bus to where ever I need to go, I can just walk. I can walk to parks, to the harbour, to the bars, to go shopping, to visit friends, and after all this; I can walk right back home again. I'd have to take the bus to school, though, but we're not talking about that...
Copenhagen makes me depressed. I am tired of all the same and I truly feel like I've been born the wrong place.
I've went to Aalborg on and off for about a year and I've lived there for two months, and I can truly say that this is where I should be. This is where I belong, and I can't wait to come back.

It will only be for a weekend the next time, but at least I'll be there. With the two loves of my life.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Cock Sparrer

So, how was your weekend? You know I'm only asking to tell you about mine (because mine was by the definition "awesome").
I spent the whole weekend with Peter, Friday with moves, Saturday with shopping records and partying with Norwegians and Sunday with Cock Sparrer, and it was just... indescribable.

We picked up a friend from Aalborg at the main station and met up with a couple of other friends at a bar a bit later, who were also going to the concert. When we got there, we went straight to the merchandise-shop to buy some Cock Sparrer t-shirts, records, posters, you name it (the posters were free, yay!). And we got it signed! The warm up-band had a little shop too, but I barely dare to mention their name because they sucked so bad.
Cock Sparrer were about to start, so we bought a beer and went to the concert hall.
They started playing their first song and people already started the pogo. Idiots, bonehead and people who just wanted to "dance" went in front of the stage as the show began and if you were anywhere near them, well, yeah, you weren't going to be left alone (surprise). If it wasn't because they had microphones, the audience would probably have been singing a lot louder than the band. It was just insane. Pure awesomeness. But do you know what the best part was? Cock Sparrer... they're just five old men who still act like they just turned nineteen. They have so much energy on the stage, thinking of their age, which just made it such a great show. I just... I don't know what to say, really. I can't say anything bad about their performance. One of the members even did a little crowd surf when they finished the concert, and we got their play lists. I can't wait to see them again in April at Punk & Disorderly.

The show ended rather early, about eleven o'clock, so we didn't really want to go home. We went to a bar - Peter and I, Kris, Jello, Myke, the Norwegians Helga and Maria, Tutte and her boyfriend, Magi and Elisa. The bar even had Cock Sparrer on their jukebox, so the party continued.

My ever so lovely top!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

My body might follow me wherever I go
But my heart belongs to wherever you are.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Moving back to Copenhagen

Things haven't been as they should between Peter and I the past few days. Or have they? But that's not really the point, the point is, that if I want to save this, I have to move back to Copenhagen. So I'm coming back. I quit my school here and I'll start on a new school the 22nd, in Copenhagen. I don't want to move back, I love Aalborg but I have to do this, because I love Peter even more. A whole lot more, I think you guys got that.
I... I haven't got much to say. I'm actually quite speechless at this very moment, but in the other hand, I've got a lot to tell. I just don't want to tell it all here; if it minds people, I'll let them know. I just want to get things to go the right way, and it can only happen if I move back.
I miss my family, friends and an oven anyways.
But I'll miss Peter even more.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


These are the photos from our housewarming (yes, I found a page where I can make slideshows!). Pictures say more than a thousand words, so I won't say much about it, but that one of our girl friends got so drunk and puked out of our window. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


I really feel like cooking right now. I really, really want to cook, almost anything, as long as it is delicious, with both meat and vegetables and if it's a bit of a challenge. I feel like I need to be challenged in the kitchen, but it's hard when you don't have that much money to do with, if you know what I mean.
Yesterday, I was supposed to make some baked cod with mozzarella/garlic cream cheese and spinach, mashed potatoes with garlic and blanched broccoli and mushrooms. Buuuut, something went wrong and it ended up with Peter buying can-tomato soup. He mixed mushrooms, chicken, chili, ginger and macaroni in it, so it actually tasted really good, but I just really wanted to make something like the other thing above, because I thought it'd might be delicious and I'm not usually cooking fish. But we planned making it in the weekend instead and eat the rest of the soup tonight.

The past hour I've been looking for recipes for Lancashire Hotpot. About a month ago I saw this program, I think it was on the Travel channel, with a woman travelling around in England to taste different typical English dishes. So, she went to Lancashire and got - wait for it - Lancashire Hotpot, and it just sounded so delicious - lamb, onions, potatoes, carrots, thyme, rosemary, chicken stock (to make it not-too-lamb-ish), all in a pot and in the oven. It's a workingclass dish they made in Northern England in the middle 19th century. The wife made it the early morning before she went to work, so it could stand there the whole day and  simmer, and then it would be ready when the whole family got home, starving (not literally... I think). But yeah, I saw this and fell in love with it and I just HAD to try and make it. I haven't done it yet, as you could might guess, but I'm planning on trying it next month, 'cause it's also more of an autumn-dish.
I was thinking to make a post whenever I make the Lancashire Hotpot, with pictures and recipe, of course, so you can enjoy it as well if you'd like that.

Well, I could make this blog into a food-blog. Some of it, you know, just when I have a recipe of something delicious, if I make anything "new" with no recipe but remember it and post it here, stuff like that. Of course I won't make this entire blog about food (it's also a bit too late for that), but, as said, just when I've got something new and delicious, why not share it?

Monday, 13 August 2012

CTR: Crash Team Racing

My absolutely favorite game, which I lost somehow. I don't know if I forgot it at my ex-boyfriend's place or if it just disappeared in the mess in my room, either at my father's or my mother's place. But all that is in the very past, because after a long search on DBA, GulOgGratis, Amazon and eBay, I finally just said "screw this" and bought CTR from for £14.49. It's a fair price, I could afford it and I just had to, because it is the very favorite of mine. Now we just need a memory card that works for Playstation 1 games. I found out that the one Peter has, doesn't really work. After doing 34 % of the Adventure-part-thingy-thing. Oh well... see how happy I am, with thumbs up and all.
Also, I can recommend eBay, if they're using Royal Mail (or whatsitsname). It got here days earlier than it should!

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Update #2

No festivals at all, for Peter and I to experience and enjoy. KanalRock is too expensive, Force Attack messed up everything and we don't have a place to sleep in Berlin for Resist To Exist.
A while after we cancelled KanalRock, I was actually looking forward to Force Attack. But then, just last week (and it is held this weekend), our girl friend started talking about, that it was moved to Berlin, with no ability to camp. We checked it out and it was true. Then one or two days later, we read, that the place that Force Attacked asked rejected it, so it is held a whole third place, about 60 kilometers from Rostock, again with the ability to camp. But really, it's so fucking messed up and it kind of upsets me that I'm not going to any festivals. But that's life. I hope there will be no problems with Force Attack next year.
Instead of all this, we're planning on going for a little 5-7 days trip to the Netherlands to see Toy Dolls in 5 different cities, in October. Then Cock Sparrer is playing in Copenhagen in November and The Casualties in December, also in Copenhagen, so at least, we're going to see some great bands later this year.
It's an okay consolation.

But what are we going to spend our money on? Yeah, we're going to spend some money on buying old, used Playstation 1 games. I lost my Crash Team Racing, and I really want it back, and this guy from Den Blå Avis ("The Blue Newspaper", a Danish site where you can buy and sell used or new stuff, a lot like a Danish eBay) has it, and a lot of ther games which Peter wants. So we're just going to sit in our new flat and play video games. Aw Hell Yeah.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


So, Peter came up with the idea to go to Force Attack and Resist to Exist instead of Kanalrock. Why? Because we can go to both festivals for about the same amount of money and it's cheaper to go to Rostock and the train from Klingendorf to Berlin is free the day Force Attack ends, so we can easily come to Resist to Exist and the ticket home to Denmark again only costs a bit more.
I was really looking forward to see Sham 69 and Toy Dolls at Kanalrock, though, but I guess Peter is right. It's just a bit too expensive, especially because I'm really only interested in those two bands. So why not go to two other festivals we know will be awesome, not matter what music plays? I've been thinking about it, and I say go for it. I'm in. Peter just needs to talk to his pal who has a room in Berlin where we might can stay, because I am not going to another country again, without an official place to sleep. It was horrible. And I'm not paying for a hotel room again. It was horrible.

But, yeah, that's pretty much the update.
I'm with Peter at the moment, in Aalborg, so I'm juuust fine!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Summer vacation

Summer, summer, summer!

So, it's summer again, just like last year and the year before that and so on. And I don't think I'll have that much time to blog before August, just like last year as well. I didn't in fact make one post in whole July last year, because I was way too busy with Peter and friends and Berlin and Peter and festival and Peter. And Peter. I'm not going to any other countries as a vacation, you know, we wouldn't be able to find the time, Peter and I. We earlier planned on maybe to go to Hamburg with a couple of friends, but, yeah... it's not going to happen. But it's okay, we'll be busy! We've got stuff to do.
Tomorrow, I'm going to my dad's place, just to see him a bit this summer and before he is going to Berlin. On Wednesday the 4th of July, I'm going to Aalborg, to see Peter of course. We'll just be chilling, until the 12th, because what happens that day? Yeah, it's so exciting... We are getting the key to our new flat. Ohh, how I just can't wait! I'm going to move by myself (with Peter, but you know, no parents), and boy, am I excited? I am indeed! We're going to spend out vacation on planning our flat, you know. Furniture, stuff for the kitchen, economics, all these kinds of things. But first, we have to inaugurate the apartment, if you know what I mean! And then we're going to do the sensible stuff.
But yeah... I simply just can't wait to move in with Peter, and then in Aalborg. Of course I love my hometown, Copenhagen, but Aalborg has been very charming as well, since I went there the first time, last summer. Also, Aalborg is so cheap to live in - our apartment is very central, I mean, it can't possibly get any more central than that and those flats are usually pretty expensive, right? Well, not ours. And the food is cheap as well and the beers on the bars! And I love cheap stuff, so Aalborg is definitely a city for me! Haha, nooo, it's also a very beautiful city, with old houses all the way back from the 1600's and maybe earlier. And then it's a city by a harbor, and I love harbors! Okay, do you get it? I love Aalborg!
I am so happy, my life is just as good as it can be! I sure can't explain.
I will probably take some pictures of the apartment and post them here, so you can see it; when we just move in and when we are DONE moving in, with furniture and stuff. 

The first weekend of August, Peter, I and a lot of friends will take a little trip to Norway, near Oslo to Kanalrock - another punk festival. Toy Dolls, Sham 69, Discharge, Oslo S and a lot more will play, so, yeah, can't wait for that either. It's going to be another awesome summer in the company of my beloved boyfriend!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Route 6A

Bus 6A takes me everywhere I need to go: to my father's, to school, home, at my girl friend's old home, at her new home, into the city, everywhere. Then once, there was this bus driver. He seemed like a standard mad bus driver, you know. Never smiling, or stuff. But recently, every time he's driving the bus I'm taking, he's recognizing me (not that it's hard to recognize me) and he's smiling and probably saying "good morning" or "hello" or stuff like that, I'm always listening to music but I'm smiling back at him, 'cause, you know, to be friendly. But earlier this week, I was going to meet up with a couple of my friends, and of course 6A could take me there. I went to the bus stop and was trying to figure out the new bus plans for the A bus', because they're stupid and confusing and non-telling. I wasn't looking at the road before I saw my bus (6A!) out of the corner of my eye. It stopped by the bus stop, even though no one was going off or on (except from me). It was that bus driver, who's always recognizing and smiling at me. Because I'm always taking 6A, he just assumed, or kind of knew, that I was going to as well that day. It felt kind of nice, you know. Quite nice.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

I hate you.

Yeah, you!

Yeah, that's right, I'm talking about you, insomnia and expensive public transport. Peter could have been here by now, if it wasn't because of you. I'm not hating him, I'm hating you two guys 'cause you're the fucking reasons! You're fucking douchebags! "Oh, so you're going to your girlfriend's birthday celebration next weekend? Well... then you won't need sleep, and especially not good sleep, whenever I let you rest!" and then the public transport is just an expensive whore. You pay way too much for something you don't really like in the end. You two are my enemies! You're the worst on this planet! I could just keep on going complaining about you, but it wouldn't help. Peter won't be here for that reason. Why, oh why? I just want to be with him and especially this weekend because it means a lot to me that he meets my family. If he's not going to this weekend, then when is he going to? We've been talking about celebrating Christmas at my father's place this year, but that won't happen till half a year. And then it's not my birthday. Well... it was my birthday last Sunday, but my father is celebrating it this weekend, you know. I don't know what to say... Peter says he'll come here on Thursday. Until then, I just want to complain about how unfair insomnia and prices are. Sometimes, it's not easy to have a long distance relationship, when it's so expensive just to see each other for about 30 hours. 500 DKK for 11 hours of bus-driving, because the bus has to stop elsewhere to pick up other people. 5 hours and twenty minutes each way. For about 250 DKK when it's in the weekend. Only 170 DKK from Monday to Thursday. 432 DKK is the standard price on a train ticket from Copenhagen to Aalborg, one way. One way only. That'd be 864 DKK for a return ticket, if I didn't have my Hypercard, which works as a Wildcard. Then, from Monday to Thursday and Saturday, I can take the train by half price. But still. But still, but still, but still. Yeah, but still, we manage to keep together and that's the most important thing. Every time people ask where he lives and I say Aalborg, they sometime ask if it isn't har to have a boyfriend that far away. Yes, of course it is, I miss him every second we're not together, but I simply just care too much about him, to let distance and money ruin our relationship. I just love him too much. I just love you too much, Peter.

Thursday, 7 June 2012


I love working in a kitchen!

Yes, what you see here is, that earlier today, I accidently cut my three fingers.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


One year of love

It was our anniversary this Saturday, the 2nd of June. We were originally going to have a picnic at a place called Kridtgraven. Some place with a lot of nature and some water and stuff like that, you know, but they said it was going to rain, so we thought just to go out and eat instead. When it was actually Saturday, not a drop of water fell from heaven, as we were awaken. Got a little pissed on that, but it was okay in the end, really.
Peter ordered a table at Jensen's Steak house for 6pm. We went outside to grab some lunch, at about 2-3pm, at the very famous (in Aalborg) "Fontænen" (The Fountain). It's just a little, nice grill where you can get a good, cheap burger, fries, hotdogs, whatever your junk food-hunger desires. We had fries to share, a bacon cheese burger and a Faxe Kondi each!
After our little lunch, we went for a walk to the East Harbor, where there were some abandoned factory buildings Peter really wanted to me. It was actually pretty rad. I was a little frightened, because that's how I am. The first building we went into, had this big, dark hall, and I am definitely not the biggest fan of darkness. Peter knew that, so he held my hand through it all and accepted if there were places I didn't want to go, like some wood-stairs, which I didn't trust, but we found some concrete stairs, which, you know, won't break. There wasn't really anything there but a little ladder where you could climb to the roof.
We went out to go to another, smaller, building. Peter said, that the view from the roof was very beautiful, that you could see a lot of Aalborg from there and of course a view over the harbor. I'd like to go to the roof, but the problem was, that it was kinda windy that day, especially around the harbor, it's always windy around water, and the stairs swayed "a lot", both with the wind and the weight, so I didn't really have the guts that time. Also, it was a tall staircase and the steps were very small, so if I had to go down the stairs again, I'd die or something like that. Or... Peter would save me (). But I guess I kind of "promised" him, that we could go up there some day. I have to get the guts somehow, anyways.

Now where did we come from? Yeah! We left to buy some candy for when we got home later. We waited at a square, near the restaurant and went inside when it was about time. We had a really nice time, just sitting there, chatting and starring into each other's eyes and I just couldn't stop smiling. I'm still so (almost terrifying) in love with him, as if we just met. I have a really good feeling about us. I mean, not that a year really is that much (compared to how long I'm going to be with him), but that I'm still this in love, is amazing. Ahh... I love my life... but yeah, I lost it again... just like I get lost in his eyes.. oh stop it! We ordered a snack basket as a starter and a whiskey steak. It was really delicious, and after we finished we just sat there, for, I don't know, 30 maybe 45 minutes, just doing what we started to do: chatting, starring, smiling. Still could stop smiling. Sometimes, we kissed too. I like his kisses... you know... he has these big, beautiful, soft, warm lips, which just melts together with yours. They can warm me up, all the way down to the tip of my toes, even though if we were in Siberia at the very coldest day of the history. When his lips touches mine (or just me in general, but especially my lips), I sometimes just start floating, you know, inside my head, of course. Gravity is no longer among us, we're just flying around in the universe... Argh! Stop it, you!!! I can't help it... I'm just so in love!

Thank you, for one of the
very best years of my life!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Update: Love, hate, cow

Just a little update, you know.

I'm going to Aalborg tomorrow, since it's me and Peter's anniversary on Saturday. We were going to have a picnic, but it looks like it's going to rain, so I doubt it. I still hope, though. Of course. Or else, we're going out for dinner, somewhere. But in my opinion, the picnic is just more private, intimate, romantic, you know. So I really hope it won't rain.

Peter went home from the festival in Germany Monday instead of Tuesday, so I was happy. There just wasn't any signal there, neither at the actual festival spot, nor at the camp. So I kind of freaked out during my period. And I swear, according to my mood and emotions, this must have been the worst period in a long time, if not of all time. I've been angry and pissed off very easily, crying over nothing, a happy little sunshine and then being angry and crying again. I seriously hate, that this hormone-overload during your period, effects so much on your emotions. I know that's what they actually just do, but that doesn't make me hate it more. Scumbag hormones. So I've been apologizing to Peter the last couple of days because of my mood and mood swings and what not. At least, I realize it instead of being all like "WHAT DO YOU MEAN "ANGRY"? DO I SEEM ANGRY TO YOU, YOU MUDAFUKA? YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!"... yeah... so... I realize that stuff.

Oh well, here's a picture I took, of a cow licking my classmate's hand

Sunday, 27 May 2012


His phone is on!!!
But there's no fucking signal...


There has to be later.
I bet it's because he's at the actual concert.
There was signal yesterday
at the tent place, you know.
I think I've called him...
at least 10 times.
No signal.

Brain diarrhea: I hate periods.

I really think this is the worst PMS I've ever had. I normally don't get PMS, I'm only a bit more emotional when I'm on my period. Now I just feel like killing someone. What I'm I turning into? I just miss Peter a lot, and the fact that he's this far away, that his phone is off, that I can't get in touch with him annoys me. I just miss him so much. I could do almost anything to see him right now. Why did Toy Dolls have to play this weekend? I guess it's better than next weekend. A lot better. I don't think Peter would go anyways if it was next weekend. I hate this kind of feeling. I think I need to talk to someone about this. But I hate talking about myself this way. I guess I'll just sit here and talk to myself inside my head while writing it down so all of you can read it, what a clever idea. I'm just so angry. Angry at Peter, 'cause his phone is still off and I didn't get to talk to him last night. And angry with myself because I'm this angry and I got PMS and I hate everybody right now. I just wish Peter was here so we could cuddle up and I wouldn't be this angry. I miss him so much. He won't be back in Denmark before Tuesday. I feel so pathetic. What I hate the most right now must be having my period and it's side effects. I think I'm just going to lie here in my bed and rot up until Tuesday. I don't want to see anyone, but Peter, but that's kind of impossible. So... yeah... you know. I acted so bad when I called him last night. Calling him, crying, yelling, letting it take a while before I said that I loved him too. Right now, it seems harsh to me. I wouldn't like it. I hate myself for that. I'm sorry! I hate this. And I need to come out with this. It's just brain diarrhea about how I feel at the moment. I need it to be somewhere, 'cause it's filling too much inside my head. I'm only getting angry with Peter because I miss him so much. I'm not really angry with him, now that I realized that I'm just having PMS, you know. I'll try to behave. I hope he'll turn on his phone soon so I can apologize. I don't hope he's angry with me for yesterday. All these thoughts are giving me tummy ache. Or is it just period pain? All I want to do this very moment, is to laugh with him. I miss him so much. Lying on some grass, fighting for fun, rolling around, tickling each other, laughing, loving each other, as we do. I can't wait for our anniversary. It's going to be the best day of my life. I love him so much. I'm so sorry. I love you.

Saturday, 26 May 2012


It's 2 o'clock, and his mobile is still off.
And I'm still getting angrier and sadder.

Thank you.
Just a week before our anniversary.
Thanks a lot.

What's wrong?

I just interpreted the dream I had this night. I dreamed, that I was with my family and that I could fly. There were a Christmas tree, so I guess it had something to do with Christmas.

Christmas eve' stands for happiness and human presence and therefore act in your dreams when you need to be together with your close ones."
When you dream, that you're together with your family it means, that you feel safe, but if you dream that there are disputes between the family, it means that you feel unsafe."
If you dream, that you're flying, it means that you feel that you've got control over the things."

The only thing I feel like I can relate to, is Christmas. I sure feel needy of being with my closest one: Peter. I don't feel safe and that I got control at all. I feel confused and restless. Not to talk about feeling sad.
In a long time, Peter and I talked about going to Aalborg Carnival which is in this weekend. Dress up, nice company, alcohol, just having a nice time and extremely nice weather. In the meantime, Peter finds out that Toy Dolls are on tour and plays in Germany as the closest right now (they're not playing in Denmark). We're going to see them together in August at a festival near Oslo, Norway, yet he decides to go to the festival in Germany this weekend with some of his friends I don't know, instead of going to the Carnival with me and all his other friends. "This is only once," he said, "Carnival is every year, and maybe Toy Dolls won't play next year or any more!". I know. I know that Aalborg Carnival is every year, but I really have been looking forward to experience the Carnival with you this year. Now I'm going to wait through another long winter, 365 days and nights, to go to the Carnival. We're going to see Toy Dolls anyways in August, aren't we? I see, that you obviously, absolutely have to see them twice.
All this just makes me feel so angry, yet sad and somehow disappointed. I don't care if I'm overreacting, I can't do shit about it now anyways. I've already been crying my heart out and beating the wall a bit, so it's too late to realize now, that I've been overreacting. So what, anyways.
I no longer feel bad about Peter didn't call me yesterday at 7 pm., though I had to call him at about 10 pm., 'cause he didn't even answer my texts... but that he's saying that we can talk later, and of course I'm looking forward to that, then says that there's no place where there's silence and "can't we just talk tomorrow?". Fine, just fine. Well, I hope he's the one to text me today to tell me when to call. What time shall we say? I have no fucking clue.

Just thinking about it...

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

May, so far.

May has been nice, so far. I celebrated May 1st, first walking with my friends (Martin, Marlene, Sofie and some others) with a demonstration. It was pretty chill, except from that my feet hurt really bad when we were done walking, because my boots are a little bit broken (I will post a picture later on, after this weekend). After that, we went to Folkets Park (Park of the people(?)) and met our other friends there, who'd been walking with another demo. We sat there, drank some beer, had a nice time and when it turned darker and got a bit chilly, we went home to our friends who live together. We bought some more beers on our way there and godt a liiiiiiittle bit tipsy later that night. When it was by midnight, I looked at the clock and was all like "oh my gosh, it's so late, I gotta get up to go to school tomorrow!", so I fell right asleep on their sofa. And I really slept heavy, 'cause Sebastian first left at about 4 am, but I didn't her nothing!

The following weekend, Peter visited me. We didn't do much but relaxing and cuddling. Friday we went to Punks Undead vol. 26, to see our friends play. I only saw them and then went outside to smoke and talk with the people outside for the rest of the evening. Not intentionally, I was just busy talking and was not really thinking about the concerts or about how long I was sitting out there.

Last Friday, I went to another concert with a lot of my friends in Elsinore (ja, kære venner, der er et engelsk navnt for Helsingør). It's about an hour away in train, so we drank a couple of beers in the train and met up with our other friends at the venue when we got there. I didn't see much of the concert, I was busy having fun, you know.
I didn't really expect to get drunk, but I guess when you don't expect it, you get drunk.
Later I went to the door and talked with Viktor and Martin and some guys I didn't know. Viktor gave me this flyer about Jesus and Adam and stuff like that so as soon as I knew what it was, I started reading. Loudly. Don't give me such things when I'm drunk. I went to Elias and some other guy who I did not know to read for them like an insane, Christian person. They asked me to read, though, but after a while they didn't want to hear anymore so they (tried) to leave. I didn't think it was okay, so I chose to lay down the guy I didn't know and was all like "you just got beaten up by a girl, how to you feel now?". So fun. I asked to many people that night if they wanted to fight. No one wanted to fight me, not even Myke! Oh well... it was fun though!

This weekend, I'm going to Aalborg to visit and party with Peter. I'm going there tomorrow because I'm off school/work Thursday and Friday. Thursday we're going to look at this apartment. There's a possibility that we can have that one next month, so I'm excited to see, if it's just an apartment I want.
Friday, Oi Polloi is playing at 1000Fryd, so we're possibly going to get drunk and have a huge party there. Saturday, our friends, who also played at Punks Undead vol. 26, are playing at a bar. Maybe we'll go there, but time will show, but I bet it's going to be a fun weekend!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Punk & Disorderly, Berlin

Longer story... a bit shorter.

Thursday: Waking up very early to get to the bus in time. Walking aboard the bus, Business Class. Arriving to the ferry. Getting on the ferry. Walking restless around. Going to the BorderShop. Buys cheap booze. Neat Rostock Harbor, have to get back on the bus. Driving, waiting. Arriving to Berlin ZOB. Taking the train to Alexander Platz. Train stops unreasonable (wouldn't be if I understood German perfectly). Trying to walk to Alexander Platz. End up on Checkpoint Charle and gives up, taking a bus instead. Sitting there for a bit, drinking some beer, laughing at people. Decides to go to Köpi to wait for Peter's friend Martin (who said he had a place in Köpi we could sleep). Waiting. It's about 7 pm. Going to a net café to see if Martin answered, he gave us a number for Anders who'd be in Berlin in the evening. Going back to Alexander Platz to meet other punks to hear if the know a place where we can sleep. Staying with them for some hours. Drinking. Smoking. Drunk, German guy named Ole and punky guy called Stuppy(?) takes us with them to show us the free sleep in they know. Arriving. Getting free food there. Talking with people. It's about 10 pm. Going to the sleep in-rooms. Getting sheets. Sitting and cuddling for an hour or so. Go to bed.
Friday: Wake up at 8 am. Slept well, yet terribly because some girl kept coughing the whole night. Going next door to wake up Peter. I missed him. Cuddling for a minute. I go back to my room and sleep the extra hour before we have to get up. So does Peter. Waking up again. Packing our stuff and get dressed. Buys some beer. Meeting up with Anders, Magi, Swedish guy named Linus and some strange vegan girl, carrying some dirty carrots. Trying to find place to sit and drink beer. It rained insanely the night before, so everything was wet. End up between Park In Hotel and Galeria Kaufhof. Sitting there, having fun. Magi goes for a shit. Someone is walking around with a camera, interviewing people passing by. Anders and Linus is dancing in the background. Magi is still borrowing the toilet in Galeria Kaufhof. I go for shit. I come back. Magi is still gone. Peter go inside to find him. Finds him and come back after about 15 minutes. Drinking cheap beer. Going back to the sleep in-place. Eating free brunch. Stuppy and a sober Ole is there as well. Cuts our hair. Putting up our mohawks. I put on some makeup as well. We go to the Central Station to leave our bag there so we don't have to carry it around. Trying to find the festival place. The weather is nice now. Finding where it's supposed to be, yet a bit early so the doors are not open. Sitting in the sun, drinking our beer and booze. Meeting Ane, our girl friend back from Denmark. She's on a "study" trip over the weekend. More like party-shopping weekend. Sit with them, drinking, having a laugh. They have to go. Time is going. It's getting darker. A lot of other people are arriving to the festival spot. We go over there to talk with someone and to find a place to sleep. Peter meets this maybe about 40 year old half-drunk punk who say's we can sleep at his place. Peter gets his number so we can call him later. Having a party. Meeting some skins from Barcelona. Partying with them. Meeting this awesome Swedish guy. Sitting and partying with him. Missing everything but 20 minutes of the last concert that day. Partying with other punks and skins.
Saturday: We're sleepy. Peter calls that old punk. He says he's there in 3 hours. Some other Germans hear us, telling us they have an extra bed back at their hostel room. They want to party all night. We want to sleep. They want our passports so they know we're not gonna steal their stuff while they're partying. They're not getting our passports. Peter is discussing with them. I'm drunk and sad. They are trying to be manipulating. We end up leaving. Peter calls the drunk old punk again. He's even more drunk. He says he'll meet us in an hour at the station by the festival. We meet him about 1½ hour later. It's about 3-4 am. We meet Anders and Linus at the station. Magi is gone. Old punk arrives and a cap, but do not have enough money so we can drive to his flat. We start walking. Walking down this long, long road. Turning right, walking a bit down this other long road. Going into this park. Turning left. Walking. Turning left again. Going outside the park. Asking him where the hell he's taking us to. He says something about his brother. Turning left. Walking to the end of the other long road. Turning left. Get to another opening of the park. Giving up. Leaving the old punk, who is clearly too drunk to find his own flat. It's about 6 or 7 in the morning. Walking restless around, taking some trains. Ends up on Alexander Platz station. Sitting there. Falling a bit asleep. Police is throwing us away. Magi calls. He was at a bar all night. Meets up with him at Köpi. Some other (annoying) fellas from the festival was there too. They made a fire so we could get heated up. Peter and I falls asleep on a bench. It's about 8 am. It's about 9 am when we wake up. This guy is telling us that there's this cheap A&O Hostel just 100 meters down the street. We know. We don't care, we take the money out of the budget and get the cheapest room they have. We go there. We undress and fall asleep. It's about 3 pm when we wake up. I have terrible hangovers. Peter goes down to buy something to drink and some food. I keep on sleeping. It's about 4 when he comes back. We eat and drink. I get dressed. We go to the Central Station to get our bag. Putting the key in the wrong locker. Getting some help. Going back to the hostel with the bag. I put on some makeup. We go to the festival, having a nice time and a bit of a party with our new Spanish friends.
Sunday: Party. Going home when it's about 2 am, I think. Just a minute before the train is leaving, a lot of people come in to it. With loud music. There's some of a party in that train. I videotaped it. We get home. Sleeping. Waking up at 9-10 am because this Chinese guy tells us to check out. I made a mistake on the check-in-paper because I was so tired and half-drunk and sad and just wanted to get off my boots and sleep. We go down, get it corrected, go back to bed. Wake up. I take a nice, hot shower. Just what I needed. We get dressed, I put on makeup. We go to Alexander Platz to get some noodles. We walk around, buy some beer and sit for a little while. We go to the festival spot rather early, maybe around 5 pm. Anders and Linus is there. Magi is gone again. We sit there, drink a little. That awesome Swedish guy, Timm, comes back. He's even more drunk than the night we met him. He and a friend drank 2 liters of Jägermeister. We're having fun. I'm in a lot better mood than the day before. More people are coming, we talk to some of them (like this fucking annoying Russian guy). We go inside the festival when Vice Squad is about to play. Peter and I are up in the front. I think we were the craziest people right there, the biggest fans of Vice Squad. They didn't seem very well-known for all the others. Peter gets their set list, I get the bassist's beer. I get mad at Peter. I'm not going to write why. Spending some time separated.
Monday: We talk about it. We're good friends again. Later on we decide to go home. It's about 2 again, I think. We go to the station. We take the train. We get home. We fall asleep. We wake up at 9, I think. We had to check out at 10 am. We get ready and leave. We go to Alexander Platz. We sit there for a couple of hours, not really doing anything. We buy some Chinese food and go to Berlin ZOB, the place the our bus is picking us up. Our bus picks us up at 3:15 pm. We're driving. Arriving to the harbor. Going onto the ferry. I'm getting sick, starting to have a bad cold. But it's alright. I had a nice time with Peter.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Happy celebration of love-day
I know a lot of you don't see this day as a celebration of love, in fact, a lot of people just see this day as a stupid, materialistic, American tradition, so the flower- and candy stores can sell out, but you know it's actually not. There's three different stories about what this day is about, but I've only heard one, from my sister's grandma. It's about this St. Valentine (if he was a Saint... I don't remember), who married soldiers with their girlfriends, even though the King made the law about, that since unmarried soldiers fight better, no soldiers ought get married. So he made a law against it. But Sir Valentine still secretly married the soldiers with their girlfriends, because he believed in love. The King found out and got him arrested. Yet Valentine fell in love with the gaoler's blind daughter, and she in him. Unfortunately, he was to be executed. The day before the execution, he wrote a letter to his love about how much he loved her and all that stuff, you know, and so, he is apparently remembered because he died in the name of love... I guess... it's a really sweet story, though it's the real one or not.
Anyways, after my sister's grandma told me this story some years ago, it kind of "opened my eyes" for Valentine's Day. Not that I'm all about it, you know, but it's a beautiful thought that there's one day of the year, where we're supposed to celebrate love, and that will be celebrated with red roses, because the red roses are a symbol for love, and chocolate because... well, everybody love's chocolate, right?

But I really got surprised this Tuesday.
On Monday, Peter fell on his bike on his way home from picking up some groceries, and he really hurt his knee. So he called the next morning and cancelled school (which was actually internship in a kindergarten. So if he went there with a bad knee... he would come home without his knee), so he could go to the doctor so he could look if his knee was alright ('cause it really did hurt on him!). I asked if I should go with him, 'cause what if he fell again, you know? There was a bit snow and some ice on the sidewalk, there would be a chance! But he didn't want me to go with him, so I just stayed home and watched some TV until he got back home.
Then, when he got home, he yelled and asked if I could help him untie his boots. Of course I'd help him, what don't I wanna do for that boy!? So I walked to the door and got totally chocked (in a good way). That bastard didn't even go to the doctor with his bad knee. He wanted to wait for Wednesday. Instead, he went out to buy me red roses and filled chocolate in a heart shaped box. Oh boy, was I surprised!? I've always wanted to get this, but I never did. It was so romantic and I was so happy! How I just love this boy! Not because of the things he gave me, but because he gave it to me, you know. Because he knew I wanted it, not because I "made" him buy it for me. Awwh... this boy... can you believe it? Jesus Christ... another post about how lovely he is. But I can't help it... he really is...

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Following winter vacation - or just winter day-offs.

Relaxation and what not
So... after school tomorrow, huh? This is it! It's gonna be wiiiild!
Or not really. Or what do I know? Anyways, I'm going to Jutland to visit Peter tomorrow, unfortunately on my mum's birthday (sorry mums!), but from Monday-Thursday are the only days I can get half price train tickets to Jutland, because of my HyperCard. Friday-Sunday I only get 25 % off the tickets and I tell you, they are so bloody expensive that 25 % isn't enough.
Anyways, so, I'm visiting Peter tomorrow and his old pal who moved to Iceland is going to Aalborg this weekend, so so are we. Nothing really happens this weekend, but I still can't wait. I guess we're just going to get pissed, I still have half a bottle of Jägermeister left back. But yeah... Peter's little vacation here isn't until after mine, so he will come back to Copenhagen with me. But that means Peter has to go the kindergarden everyday next week, for his internship. So what am I doing? Nothing but relaxing... I guess... I haven't used my camera for a while now, so maybe I'll take some walks and expand my photographing skills. Also, I went to my aunt yesterday with my father where I got some late Christmas presents. 500,- and a book about photographing, just as I wished for. So I know what I'm gonna do in that train for them 3 andsomethingsomethingdarkside (and the wolf (this one was for you, Myke!)) hours. I'll see if I take some good pictures during my day-offs. If so, I'll post them here.
Hmm... uhm... Anyways... my eyes are heavy, so... goodnight. I just wanted to, you know, write something (something darkside and the wolf). And it sounds like someone is being killed with a chainsaw outside, But I guess this is how it is, living in these Danish ghetto areas. Nighty night, hun buns.

This is my happyface.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

I just realized, that my blog is more about my boyfriend,
than it's about myself...
Forever in love!

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year

Merry Christmas and all!

I'd love to write about what I did in the Holidays, but let's face it... it'd just be another post with me, bragging about my so absolutely perfect boyfriend. I spent everyday from December 21 to January 2 with Peter and yes, it was lovely and delightful indeed spending time with him, of course it was. It may even have been one of the best Christmas' I can remember.
He gave me blue leopard leggings, blue and yellow fishnets, a wallet with Union Jack on it, warm ski underwear... I think that's it... and then he gave me a silver necklace with brass knuckles as pendant. Not that the brass knuckles actually have anything to do with me or us, but it was the prettiest necklace he could find and he bought it for his hard-earned business punk-money he earned in London and I love it so, so the pendant could be anything.
I gave him a denim jacket, the DVD "The Art Of Flight" about snowboarding and a pair of red braces. I was going to get him a special present as well, but I couldn't find it. I'd like to write what I was going to give him, but Peter himself reads my blog now and then and I don't want him to know, even though he has a little clue.
I hope he's wrong.

And so, the days to New Year's eve' we spent some time alone, cuddling up as usual , watching films and so and we spent one night at Morten's place where we played  that package game, you know, where you all bring some small, stupid gifts and then you roll some dice and if you hit six you can take a gift. When there are no more gifts you set the countdown timer and keep playing where you steal the gifts from each other when ever you hit six. It's fun.
At New Year's eve' we ate at Peter's mum's place and went to Morten's afterwards where we drank, went out to watch the fireworks, drank some more and got pissed. Myself, I got shitfaced mainly in Jägermeister and cocoa, and then a little beer, a little Lambrusco, a little discount-champagne, a little vodka and a little bols. Peter and I was about to pass out on each other on Morten's sofa and so we walked home at 4 am. It was a nice New Year's eve'.

Anyways, we didn't really do too much and I didn't take any pictures, I'm sorry, I wish I did. I should have brought the camera to the package game. I'll bring my camera to more places whenever I get a bag for it.

That means: none of these pictures are mine.
I found them on Google.