Monday, 26 November 2012

Cock Sparrer

So, how was your weekend? You know I'm only asking to tell you about mine (because mine was by the definition "awesome").
I spent the whole weekend with Peter, Friday with moves, Saturday with shopping records and partying with Norwegians and Sunday with Cock Sparrer, and it was just... indescribable.

We picked up a friend from Aalborg at the main station and met up with a couple of other friends at a bar a bit later, who were also going to the concert. When we got there, we went straight to the merchandise-shop to buy some Cock Sparrer t-shirts, records, posters, you name it (the posters were free, yay!). And we got it signed! The warm up-band had a little shop too, but I barely dare to mention their name because they sucked so bad.
Cock Sparrer were about to start, so we bought a beer and went to the concert hall.
They started playing their first song and people already started the pogo. Idiots, bonehead and people who just wanted to "dance" went in front of the stage as the show began and if you were anywhere near them, well, yeah, you weren't going to be left alone (surprise). If it wasn't because they had microphones, the audience would probably have been singing a lot louder than the band. It was just insane. Pure awesomeness. But do you know what the best part was? Cock Sparrer... they're just five old men who still act like they just turned nineteen. They have so much energy on the stage, thinking of their age, which just made it such a great show. I just... I don't know what to say, really. I can't say anything bad about their performance. One of the members even did a little crowd surf when they finished the concert, and we got their play lists. I can't wait to see them again in April at Punk & Disorderly.

The show ended rather early, about eleven o'clock, so we didn't really want to go home. We went to a bar - Peter and I, Kris, Jello, Myke, the Norwegians Helga and Maria, Tutte and her boyfriend, Magi and Elisa. The bar even had Cock Sparrer on their jukebox, so the party continued.

My ever so lovely top!

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