Wednesday 3 October 2012

Moving back to Copenhagen

Things haven't been as they should between Peter and I the past few days. Or have they? But that's not really the point, the point is, that if I want to save this, I have to move back to Copenhagen. So I'm coming back. I quit my school here and I'll start on a new school the 22nd, in Copenhagen. I don't want to move back, I love Aalborg but I have to do this, because I love Peter even more. A whole lot more, I think you guys got that.
I... I haven't got much to say. I'm actually quite speechless at this very moment, but in the other hand, I've got a lot to tell. I just don't want to tell it all here; if it minds people, I'll let them know. I just want to get things to go the right way, and it can only happen if I move back.
I miss my family, friends and an oven anyways.
But I'll miss Peter even more.

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