Saturday, 16 June 2012

I hate you.

Yeah, you!

Yeah, that's right, I'm talking about you, insomnia and expensive public transport. Peter could have been here by now, if it wasn't because of you. I'm not hating him, I'm hating you two guys 'cause you're the fucking reasons! You're fucking douchebags! "Oh, so you're going to your girlfriend's birthday celebration next weekend? Well... then you won't need sleep, and especially not good sleep, whenever I let you rest!" and then the public transport is just an expensive whore. You pay way too much for something you don't really like in the end. You two are my enemies! You're the worst on this planet! I could just keep on going complaining about you, but it wouldn't help. Peter won't be here for that reason. Why, oh why? I just want to be with him and especially this weekend because it means a lot to me that he meets my family. If he's not going to this weekend, then when is he going to? We've been talking about celebrating Christmas at my father's place this year, but that won't happen till half a year. And then it's not my birthday. Well... it was my birthday last Sunday, but my father is celebrating it this weekend, you know. I don't know what to say... Peter says he'll come here on Thursday. Until then, I just want to complain about how unfair insomnia and prices are. Sometimes, it's not easy to have a long distance relationship, when it's so expensive just to see each other for about 30 hours. 500 DKK for 11 hours of bus-driving, because the bus has to stop elsewhere to pick up other people. 5 hours and twenty minutes each way. For about 250 DKK when it's in the weekend. Only 170 DKK from Monday to Thursday. 432 DKK is the standard price on a train ticket from Copenhagen to Aalborg, one way. One way only. That'd be 864 DKK for a return ticket, if I didn't have my Hypercard, which works as a Wildcard. Then, from Monday to Thursday and Saturday, I can take the train by half price. But still. But still, but still, but still. Yeah, but still, we manage to keep together and that's the most important thing. Every time people ask where he lives and I say Aalborg, they sometime ask if it isn't har to have a boyfriend that far away. Yes, of course it is, I miss him every second we're not together, but I simply just care too much about him, to let distance and money ruin our relationship. I just love him too much. I just love you too much, Peter.

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