Thursday, 8 December 2011

I love you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
please take your seats and make yourself feel comfortable as the show begins. This is about a young couple who said I love you to each other for the first time, so get ready for a little cheesy romance.

Peter and I had half-year anniversary and talked about how to celebrate it but couldn't figure out how, because, you see, we can't really get some time alone at my place, where we were going to be for the weekend, because of my older, and very modest and chaste, sister. - And, you see, Peter and I like to enjoy each other. Loudly. And all you people who are reading this and who are sexually active knows that an orgasm is a lot better when you can just scream your lungs out instead of just holding it in.
Anyways, we even tried to find a cheap Hotel, but that was nowhere to find in Copenhagen. The cheapest we found was about 3-400 DKK. But then my guardian angel angel came to me at Wednesday, November 30 and reminded me that my friend Kristoffer had to play his first gig on Friday, December 2, which was Peter's and my half-year anniversary, and he just moved in with my two girl friends Katja and Amanda who were going to see him play in Roskilde. I asked Katja if we perhaps could borrow their flat for that night since they were going to Kristoffer's gig. "Of course, let's meet up tomorrow and you'll get the key!". So we met at Katja's foster father's place, smoked some fags, had a little chat and some fun and I went home.

Okay, I'll get to the point...

I picked up Peter at the main station at 5 p.m. and we decided just to go to the flat right away, though Amanda and Katja would still be there, but that was alright, Peter had not seen them for a while so they had a chance for a chat before they put on their boots and went to Roskilde.
Since Peter and I hadn't seen each other for three weeks, we decided to run into Katja's and Kristoffer's room and get jiggy (ha ha). We started out with "normal" sex, a little snuggle, some oral sex and then a nice snuggle again afterwards. Peter said that he wanted to say it. I told him to tell me what he really felt, deep inside, 'cause I know he'd say it and I was ready for it. I already thought about telling him in that weekend and he did as well, apparently. He took a deep breath a couple of times and then looked me straight into my eyes. "I love you," he said (just in Danish, you know) and as he said it, I got a lump in my throat. I closed my eyes and could just feel the happiness and the love all over my body. It felt like my first kiss or when you lost your virginity. It felt like when you were a little kid and got exactly(!!!) what you wanted for Christmas or your birthday. It felt like I was sitting at a plane, that it was about to take off and I was going to explore the world, with Peter of course. It was an indescribable feeling. I was so close to... no, I cried. One or two tears. Tears of happiness, of course. It was so beautiful, you cannot believe it. I opened my eyes and said "I love you too," and I repeated after a few seconds "I love you... I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you!" I tell you I couldn't stop. After telling him that one time, I felt like telling him all the time. I felt and still feel like now, to tell him every day til my last day. I love him. And we just lay there with our arms around each other, loving each other. Oh my... so beautiful! Then we made some love and went to the living room and watched El Dorado and The Prince of Egypt and drank a Monster Energy. We had some more sex and waited for the our friends to come back home which was at 3-4 a.m. Which meant we were home at about 5 a.m.. And so we did, and so we snuggled some more.
And I love you so...
2nd December 2011

Tuesday, 29 November 2011


When I'm thinking about it, I think I have the drugs I need. I apologize, my love, for making such a stupid post. I know you don't like it, and that's why you make me choose. And that's why I choose you. Why would I choose something I don't know instead of you? I don't know. I've just been interested of knowing how the intoxication feels like in a long time, also before we met, because I've tried, yeah, nothing and I feel like I need to know certain things so... you know... so I know how it feels?
But no drug can be compared of the intoxication of your love, my love. So I'll stick to that. And I'll stick to the intoxication of the different kinds of air in the different countries I'm going to experience with you. Because I want to and I will experience the whole world with you, if just you want to do it with me.

But again, I apologize. I hope this kind of explained it?
I can't explain it any different.
(Oh, yeah, and if you didn't notice, I wanted to change the subject by being a little bit cheesy up there...)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

No future

I sometime wish that I was such a no-future punk
who didn't care about nothing and no one,
who just took all the drugs that exists and got shitfaced every day,
who did what I felt like and didn't think too much of the consequences,
who just enjoyed life and nature (shrooms, you know),
who would just walk around everywhere I got in my intoxication,
who wouldn't give a shit about no one
but my intoxicated love and my drugs, my fags and my alcohol.

But then I like the thought of life and a future.
A future with all it has. Kids, a house or a big flat.
A massive flat screen tele and a giant kitchen.
A big, soft, expensive bed, that forms after your body.
Home made, hot, healthy food every day.
The perfect life, you know.
But then it just sounds so... boring.

I need to experience something.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Today's poem - The Language of the United Kingdom

Sometimes, I'm so obsessed with the language
of the United Kingdom,
that even my thoughts are in some kind of English.
British, Irish, Scottish, Cockney, it doesn't really matter
if just it is from England.

Except from Welsh.
I'm not really into how that sounds.
My thoughts are never in Welsh.
At least not from what I know of.

It mostly happens after watching a film where the characters are from the UK. Tonight it was Trainspotting. Click the link and you will be guided to the Internet's beloved Wikipedia, so I won't have to tell you what the film is about, 'cause, you see, the thing is, that I am absolutely terrible at explaining what a film is about. I'm starting in the middle, the the ending, back to the middle, a bit from the start and then the ending. And then I forgot to tell the whole point of the film, or just what the actual film was about. Anyways, it's a lovely film, you ought watch it.
Okay, where were we? It mostly happens after watching a film, yes. Then their language is stuck in my brain and so is it when I've chatted with a foreign person in English (because that's the only language other than Danish I'm aaaaaalmost fluent in. Almost). But yeah... then the language is just stuck in my brain, as said.
But when Englishmen say that I'm good at English, there must be something about it, aight?

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Hvad sker der?

Jeg ved ikke hvad der sker med mig i dag. Jeg føler mig rastløs, utilpas og virkelig utryg. Det var det samme da jeg var på vej hjem fra byen i nat. Ikke at det var sent, jeg var på vej hjem klokken kvart i et, sådan cirka, fordi der var for crowdet i Ungdomshusets bar, jeg havde ingen penge på mig og der lå ingen bank i nærheden og jeg var ellers i humør til at drikke mig stiv, så der ville ikke være meget fest over det derinde. Men nu bryder jeg mig generelt ikke om Københavns gader om natten. Jeg bryder mig ikke om natbusserne og menneskerne der stiger ind i dem, specielt ikke når de lugter af diverse forskellige alkoholiserede drinks, trods deres pænt sammensatte outfit. Jeg har intet problem med gaderne om natten når jeg er sammen med en eller flere, men når det bare er mig og min musik, så... jeg ved det ikke... så bliver jeg paranoid, tror jeg? Jeg bliver paranoid for, om der sker mig noget. Eller... jeg ved det ikke. Og jeg ville sådan ønske, at Peter var kommet denne weekend i stedet for sidste weekend, for så ville der have været to uger imellem vores gensyn, men der er to uger til nu og der er allerede gået en uge. Og så ville jeg heller ikke have følt mig så utryg. Så ville jeg have haft ham og klamret mig til og ham at putte med når vi kom hjem, for han var det eneste jeg havde lyst til igår. Det hjalp lidt at han ringede, uvidende om hvordan jeg havde det, men han ringede. Det er bare sjældent jeg har det på denne måde, i hvert fald så "ekstremt". Jeg er normalt bare ikke glad for natten i Københavns gader, men denne gang var det bare værre. Øv. Og jeg skal til fest i aften og jeg ved bare, at jeg vil få det på samme måde med mindre jeg er stiv eller har en at følges med. Eller begge dele. Det er derfor jeg så gerne vil have at Stine kommer med, selvom hun har to andre ting hun kan tage sig til. Men jeg lokker hende med at der er øl til kun 5,-. Og hun kan jo sove hos mig efterfølgende, hvis hun vil det. Jeg vil virkelig gerne have at hun kommer med. Øv. Hvorfor skal jeg have det sådan her? Jeg føler mig meget mere tryg i Berlins gader. Alle tidspunkter på døgnet. Jeg savner mit Berlin.
Og ikke mindst savner jeg min Peter. Øv...

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

I adore you.
1000Fryd, Aalborg. June 27th, 2011.

"I love you"

I feel so awkward when people misuse "I love you".
I just saw one of my old classmates on Facebook. He's got a new girlfriend, and already now he's making a status update saying "I LOVE YOU!!!". I cannot say how long they've known each other, because if they have known each other for a longer time, they ought be able to love each other, but what I know of my old classmate, I can't imagine they've known each other for so long. At least not long time enough for loving each other. What they have not realized it, that they're only in love, and somehow it annoys me because, if they can say they love each other, why can't I tell my boyfriend that I love him? Simply because I'm aware of that I'm "only" insanely extreme crazy in love and I want to tell Peter that I love him when it means the most. We've been together for almost five months, and that is not even close to those words, meaning the most.
But it still annoys me, because they are so ignorant. That's all I can say... it annoys me! It really, really annoys me. They ought know better. Sooner or later it will be a routine saying "I love you", but it shouldn't. When you are 100 % aware of that you are no longer in love but still can't live without your boy- or girlfriend, but not because your relationship has become a routine, it may be because you love each other. But not before.
But I guess he's rather immature, that may be why. He's not ready for actual love. His relationships doesn't last for more than a few weeks or months. Not that that has anything to do with it, but still, right? I consider my relationship as love. I like love.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Jylland og Peter og åhh...

Og jeg kom hjem fra en skøn tur i Jylland igår aftes, og det var så dejligt at være der, og det var så vidunderligt at se Peter igen, og jeg føler mig bare som en nyforelsket hver gang jeg ser ham efter nogen tid uden ham, og jeg føler mig af en grund bare så hjemme og så tryg i Jylland, og jeg glæder mig hver gang jeg skal dertil, og jeg er mindre bange for at gå rundt i gaderne der end i København selvom chancerne for overfald mod en som mig nok lige er den anelse større der, i hvert fald i Aalborg hvor jeg ellers så godt kan lide at holde mig til, når nu vi skal ses med Peters venner eller forældre, og jeg vil vente med selve ferie-indlægget til lidt senere i ugen, for klokken er mange og jeg skal snart i seng, men jeg ville bare lige skrive de tanker jeg havde, for jeg hører Pink Floyd this very moment, og dette indlæg vil bare være tankespind og spild af plads og så ikke alligevel, for jeg vil have det til at handle om Peter og da også bare en anelse om hvad vi lavede, men også bare om hvad vi laver generelt, og hvis jeg sagde alt det her ville det være som, at jeg snakkede som et vandfald, for de eneste former for afbrydelser der hidtil har været, har kun været den kvarte sekunds korte pause der er ved et komma. Men der var et punktum.

Og jeg har egentlig bare lyst til at fylde min blog op til renden til der ikke er mere plads på hele internettet med, hvor sød og dejlig og smuk og lækker og fantastisk og vidunderlig og perfekt Peter er og hvor meget jeg bare holder af den dreng og hvor svært det er, at lade være med at sige de dersens tre gyldne ord, "jeg elsker dig".
Før jeg mødte Peter indså jeg hvor meget de ord betyder, eller bare ordet, betydningen "at elske" itself. For det bliver i allerhøjeste grad misbrugt på det groveste og det indså jeg så men tænkte egentlig ikke videre over det før det begyndte at blive seriøst mellem Peter og mig. Jeg fandt ligesom ret hurtigt ud af, at han ret meget er en såkaldt "keeper". Jeg vil beholde ham til verdenens ende, som ikke er i 2012 men om en millionmilliard år og til den tid vil jeg stadig være sammen med Peter som de genfærd vi vil være. Men han er jo så en "keeper", og han betyder allerede så meget for mig, men jeg elsker ham ikke, men det føles bare sådan. Men jeg har lært at skelne mellem forelskelse at dét at elske. Fordi jeg er så glad for ham og så forelsket i ham nu, vil jeg helst fortælle ham det når det ikke kan betyde mere. Hvem ved hvornår det bliver? Det kan være næste gang vi ses, om en måned, om et år, om to... jeg ved bare, at jeg glæder mig så umådeligt til den dag jeg kan fortælle ham det og mene det samtidigt. På en eller anden måde ville jeg ønske at denne forelskelse ville gå over så jeg bare kunne springe i armene på ham og sige "Du er manden i mit liv, jeg vil spendere resten af det med dig for du er den jeg elsker allermest på denne jord, i dette solsysten, i dette univers, overalt!", men det er jo også meget rart at være forelsket, jeg klager skam ikke på nogen som helst måde, jeg glæder mig bare til at sige det til ham på et tidspunkt. Han er godt nok det dejligste menneske jeg har mødt... han er alt hvad jeg har brug for og mere til! Han er nærmest for meget af det gode og noget af det jeg synes er mest utroligt er, at der ikke har været en eneste lille uoverensstemmelse. Der har været få misforståelser som har først til tårer men det varer bare aldrig mere end 30-60 minutter at vi kan holde det ud sådan. Så ligger vi igen i armene på hinanden. Der har bare ikke været et eneste lille skænderi eller diskutssion eller hvad man nu ellers vil. Vores forhold er sødere end alt sødt på jorden samlet et sted, og der snakker jeg både sukker, sødestoffer og nuttede ting og skabninger. Nej, vores forhold er stadig mindst dobbelt så sødt.
Åhh Peter... hvordan kan du dog bære dig ad med at være så... perfekt? Som sagt, er du bare alt jeg har ledt efter i mit ih og åh så lange liv (på hele sytten år, jeg ved det er insane!). Du er først og fremmest sød og dejlig som det som man altid siger. Du er fantastisk og vidunderlig og du er noget så betænksom og noget af en gentleman, hvilket jeg godt kan lide lidt af. Og du komplimenterer mig konstant. Og selvom det ikke virker som om jeg tager så godt imod den og nu og da siger dig imod, så har du formået at få det til at sidde bare en lille bitte, bitte, bitte smule fast som ellers ingen anden har. Jeg elsker, når du konstant fortæller mig hvor smuk du synes jeg er. Det er bare så... åhh. Du er bare så åhh! Og bare som en bonus er du også selv så smuk og helt igennem forfærdeligt lækker og sexet. Men smuk og du bestemt også, og du kan sige mig imod alt det du vil, men du er bare så... smuk. Du er bare smuk! Smuk som foråret, smuk som en "græsk gud", smuk som månen og som tanken om universet. Smuk som alle godhjertede menneskers indre. Smuk!
Du er bare drømmefyren!

Og dette indlæg bliver sikkert slettet på et eller andet tidspunkt, for jeg har tænkt mig at skrive et lignende... bare bedre. Og længere på grund af langt flere tillægsord og fortællinger om, hvordan jeg bare ikke kan undvære dig et sekund og om alle de ting der minder mig om dig og om at jeg bare har lyst til at tage kommende indlæg og lave en hjemmeside kun med dét, bare på alle sprog så alle mennesker i hele verdenen kan vide, at sådan er der altså et menneske der føler for et andet, for jeg har bare lyst til at fortælle alle det. Jeg har lyst til at stoppe en fremmed på gaden og begynde at snakke om os. Noglegange kunne jeg simpelthen græde af glæde bare ved tanken om, at du er min og at jeg er din.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Monday, October 3rd 2011

My eyes are so shinyyyy!!!
I have absolutely nothing to say. My life is so boring at the moment. Nothing is happening. I'm so bored I'm taking pictures of myself so I can proof you how bored I am and writing blog about nothing. Because I'm bored.
Seriously. I mean what I say when I'm saying that nothing is happening!!! I'm waking up, going to school, going home, texting with Peter the rest of the day until we go to bed and maybe talking and caming with him over Messenger in the evening. That's pretty much what my days are like at the moment. Except from the weekend. I went to Jutland to visit Peter. Delightful, indeed. Haven't seen him for almost a month till then. Thing is, that a weekend just isn't enough. Just one more day would do it so we'd have two whole days together where we go to sleep and wake up together.
Oh well... it's better than nothing. Thing is, that I missed him and I saw him! Now I just can't wait for the holiday here in October. From the 14th to the 23rd I'm in Jutland, of course to visit Peter. For these 9-10 days I'm just gonna spend all my time with him! Or... almost. He does not have any holiday, he's going to school so I'll be alone the whole morning and some of the afternoon from Monday to Friday. So what am I gonna do all these hours alone? Probably just wasting my time on Facebook. Or I could go out and pet the horses near where Peter lives!

And now, I will post some pictures of how happy we were in the weekend. We're usually this happy when we're together. And to end this post with, I will apologize to myself for making this boring post that contains absolutely nothing. Than Peter. I like Peter. Have a good night.

Sunday, 11 September 2011


Quitting smoking is easy
- I've done it a bunch of times!

Sometimes, I'm thinking about to quit smoking, as so many other people. But then I think, that I actually like it. But sometimes when I take a drag of a fag, I think: "what is this good for?", why do I smoke, why am I exactly taking this drag, this puff or whatever you'd like to call it, what is it that is doing that I just can't quit smoking, when I'm not actually addicted, though I've been smoking for two and a half year? I can go a day without smoking without any problems, like when I'm at my father's place, because he still doesn't know that I smoke. Or I don't think that he knows. And when I'm with Peter, I don't smoke that much as when I'm with people who smoke, which means I am not going to smoke that much when we're moving in together spring 2012, when he moves to Copenhagen.

I want to quit smoking and I want to continue smoking. Maybe I should just be a party smoker? But I like to have my own cigarettes and I like to smoke whenever I want to, but sometimes I don't even know why I'm smoking.
Why are you smoking?
Why aren't you smoking?
How can my best friend always have said no to just a drag? As I know, he has never touched a cigarette and nor one of my girl friends. How do they do? With some things I am getting tempted too easily, but it's not really with that many things, I know how to say no! It's just the cigarettes... I can say no, I just don't want to stop. Why don't I want to stop? Because I want to want to stop, if that even makes sense. The day I tell my father that I'm smoking, I'll make him talk to his cousin who is a hypnotist. He can be able to hypnotize me so I won't be addicted, so I can just quit like that. He hypnotized my father's phobia for birds away, so why shouldn't he be able to hypnotize my addiction to cigarettes away. Okay, I guess I am addicted. I don't want to be addicted. I want to stop. Not today, not tomorrow, but sooner or later, but not too late. And talking about late, I should be heading to bed soon.

(By the way, I needed to practice my English and enlarge my English vocabulary, so I'm starting to blog a bit more in English, if that's okay. Then everyone can read it. If they understand English...)

Monday, 5 September 2011

Piss off... og så ikke alligevel.

Trods jeg var i så dårligt humør over ikke at kunne tage til Jylland, var det en ganske vidunderlig weekend, spenderet med Peter, en masse venner, tiende klasses klassekammerater, en enkelt ny ven, en masse gamle eks-punkere og lidt mere Peter.
Om fredagen var Peter og jeg inviteret med på Floss med Katja, Alex, Emilie, Emily, Nicki, Kira, Kristoffer, Amanda og ikke mindst Amandas nye fyr Myke, helt ovre fra Portland i USA. Delvist for at hilse på Myke, delvist for at fejre, at Alex var færdig med sin uddannelse. Det endte godt nok med at vi gik over og drak og hyggede på Gammeltorv i stedet for på Floss, da der var for mange mennesker, for varmt og på et tidspunkt gik der en sikring nedenunder hvor vi sad og i det der blev mørkt, blev der kastet et shotglas over på Emilie. Det var godt nok ikke så voldsomt, men alligevel.

Lørdag var der "perlebryllup" ude på staden - et arrangement for alle de gamle, danske punkere der endnu ikke var døde - just kidding. Og dog, stadig lidt á la det.
Der blev spillet noget henrivende musik - heriblandt War Of Destruction som Peter og jeg allerede havde set for to uger siden på 1000Fryd i Aalborg. - Og ikke nok med det, var der heldigvis også en masse af vores unge venner, bl.a. en del af helsingoranerne. Udover det var der også en anden koncert på staden den aften, så der mødte jeg nogen af mine klassekammerater fra tiende.
Det var satme en god aften.

Idag, søndag, stod den selvfølgelig på en masse putning inden Peter skulle hjem (ak og ve). Vi vågnede lidt i 11 hvor jeg godt nok stadig var lidt mut over gårsdagens (eller nattens) loven om guld og grønne skove (I ved vel hvad jeg mener), hvorefter han gik kold. I sengekanten. Og var ikke til at vække - ikke engang da jeg stak en sandwich lige i hovedet på ham. Næhh nej. Men han var ganske vist ked af det morgenen efter og undskyldte en del gange. Alt var tilgivet og vi lå ellers og puttede videre, bestilte lidt pizza, puttede mere og før vi vidste af det, skulle jeg følge ham ned på Valby station hvor han skulle have toget til Glostrup for at have et lift tilbage til Jylland.

Og hver gang en af os tager afsted igen, gør det bare så ondt. Jeg er stadis så nyforelsket, at jeg savner ham bare jeg vender mig om. Og i løbet af denne uge vi træder ind i, er det ikke en gang fordi jeg bare kan skrive "Jeg savner dig skat :( Hvornår ses vi igen? <3", for han tager et lille smut til Sardinien i en uges tid med sit opholdssted. Jeg synes det er nok med ikke at se ham i en uge, men ikke at kunne komme i kontakt med ham når jeg vil? Ak, det er hjerteskærende, jeg ved det. Jeg har det så hårdt (ha ha). Men han siger at han vil ringe når nu han kan. Han ringer i hvert fald imorgen aften, har han sagt. Og jeg glæder mig sådan til at høre hans stemme igen. Og jeg glæder mig sådan til at se ham igen, at dufte til ham, at føle ham, at mærke ham helt ind til mig... jeg glæder mig over ham. Jamen altså... han er da godt nok noget af det bedste der nogensinde er sket for mig, det kommer vi ikke udenom.
(Der skulle stå Peter Alexander og så hans efternavn, men af en
grund kunne den ikke have lange navne på simkortet)

Saturday, 3 September 2011


Jeg gik ind på Omegle fordi jeg kedede mig bragt og der er denne her nye "funktion" derinde hvor man enten kan overvåge to personer, svare/snakke om et spørgsmål du har stillet, eller du kan være en af de to personer. Jeg var så en af de to personer og mødte denne indiske fyr der ikke havde så meget held i kærlighedslivet, så han spurgte om et par råd og det endte med en virkelig lang, dybtegående samtale, som jeg tænkte at jeg gerne ville gemme.

Question to discuss:
dirty talk?

You: Sure.
Stranger: yup...
Stranger: are you a guy..?
You: No.
Stranger: oh great...
Stranger: lets get started girl....
Stranger: how old are you..?
You: Sure. Like.. dirty in "sexy" or dirty as in "take a bath"?
You: I'm 17.
Stranger: hahhaa...uh you are sure u are 17 right..?
You: Why shouldn't I be?
Stranger: you gotta know what " dirty " means ..?
You: I do know what it means, but we could talk dirty the other way, like talking about things that are actually nasty.
Stranger: aure...
Stranger: i means sure. lol
You: I mean*
Stranger: lol mean*
You: And also the capital i.
Stranger: you know...english is not my first easy on me dear...
You: It's not mine either.
Stranger: really..? where are you from..?
You: Denmark.
Stranger: hey nice, i am from india.
Stranger: and dont dissconnect
You: Ohh, cool. I love Bollywood films and Indian food, nom nom! :D
Stranger: yeah , bolywood is more famous than india , i suppose..
You: Lol maybe.
Stranger: sorry , i dont know much about denmark.
Stranger: hey, you know any indian stars.?
You: It's alright. There's not much to know, except from that we had the best children's story author - H.C. Andersen.
You: King Khan? :D
Stranger: aha..thats srk..sharukh fav.
You: My sister is simply in love with the manQ
You: !*
You: .. also, she makes the best butter chicken eveeerrrr
Stranger: really.? but do you understand hindi..? and butter chicken is simply yum..
You: No, non of us do. There's subtitles on the movies.
Stranger: oh nice..
Stranger: hey my name is aniket , i am 19..nice to meet ya.
You: I'm Amalie, you already know my age. You too :))
Stranger: yup, hey amalie you have a boyfriend.?
You: I do. That's why I didn't talk dirty in the first place, lol.
Stranger: well can you help me with a problem.?>
Stranger: i need a girls perspective on this.?
You: What?
Stranger: its about my "girl friend".
You: Okay?
Stranger: okay..well about 3 months ago, i got my first job...i met this girl age..pretty..very pretty actually..
Stranger: we hit off very well..she said she was single...we became good friends..and i started liking her..
Stranger: and even she showed signs of likin day she said she loves me..and i said yes...
Stranger: but she is extremly flirty in nature...
Stranger: she kinda gels with evry one..finds every other guy "cute.." phone numbers and even text them..
Stranger: she never lets me check her day i sneaked her phone..and saw some texts...those were kinda " dirty"...
You: Doesn't seem like you can trust her.
Stranger: yeah...i know...whats should i do..? i think she loves me..
You: Tell her that you checked her phone and that you know she talked dirty with other guys. Tell her that you want to be with her, but you can't if you cannot trust, that she won't flirt with every other guy.
Stranger: i know..but she is kinda good looking..better than me...i dont wanna lose her...what to do ..? i love her very much.
Stranger: should i confront her., leave her, or just play the game.?
You: Confront her!
You: Definitely. Or else she won't stop.
Stranger: far as i know her..she wont stop either ways..
You: Confront her and hope for the best
Stranger: whats the gaurantee..she will stop after i confront her..
You: Maybe she will, maybe she won't. If she won't, she ain't worth it, no matter how gorgeous she is.
Stranger: yeah..i know..i think i ll just ler go of her...its hurting me so much...
Stranger: why did she did that to me..?
You: Start confronting her and see if things will be alright.
You: I can't tell. I don't understand why she if doing this to you if she says that she loves you..
Stranger: yeah..becoz she was the one who kinda proposed me..? is she worth.? are all girls like dat>?
You: Not all girls are like her. I'm not, for example. When I have a boyfriend, I stick with him. If I wanted to go flirt with everyone, I woyldn't have a boyfriend.
Stranger: yeah u are right...i am so ..
You: Confront her.
Stranger: oh..okay...but what if she leaves me...? i need her ..i dont think she needs me ...
You: You don't necessarily need her. You did without her before you met her, you can now as well.
Stranger: i mean she has so many friends ...i fear i ll lose her even as a friend...i dont want that
Stranger: i dont have many friends..i love being wid dont get it..? its not that easy.
You: I get it. But you shouldn't ignore what she's doing, 'cause she's playing with your feelings.
Stranger: yeah...she is ..big time..oh ihate her for doing dat..
Stranger: shit..why cant i find a girl like you..? someone sensitive..
You: You can!
Stranger: you know ..she lies looking right into my eye..but. then i love her so much..
You: I can imagine, and I think I know her kind. She can make every man fall in love with her, and that's what she does. But she's so gorgeous that no one, including you, want to lose her... she's the weakness of the man, and you shouldn't fall for that.
Stranger: dats perfect..!!! thats what she does...whats her thinking behind doin such things,>.? what is she getting after doin all dis.?
You: It could be because she actually has a really low self esteem and that it makes her feel better that every man is attracted to her.
Stranger: wow..dats right..
Stranger: u are so right....
You: :)
Stranger: how to tackle her...?
You: You should just talk to her
Stranger: i mean should i just say every thing to all the guys she is flirting around,..?
You: Listen to her. Ask how she really feels. Confront her with what you saw in those messages, but don't argue. Talk about it with her nicely and quiet, and ask why she did this.
You: No, let her do that if you figure this out
Stranger: i think if i do dat...she will die of guilt...wont talk to me ever..
You: Make her feel that you truly love her, without even touching her or saying nice things, but because you talk with her and listen. Maybe that will open her eyes
Stranger: i think she has gone too deep in know once she was holding my hand and texting flirty msgs with another hand...isnt that sick.?
You: It really is. You should either did what I wrote or really just dump her.
Stranger: i think i ll do the latter....
Stranger: but you know what...i want an explanation as well...
You: I can't believe you accepted all this.
You: Yes. And you have all rights to demand an explanatoion.
Stranger: yeah...i guess i m too weak ..i feared losing her..rather still fear it..
You: You shouldn't fear it, 'cause she ain't really worth it. Other girls exist who are both beautiful and kind.
Stranger: no..i am too shy ..she really opened me up...cant imagine being with anyone else...she was so perfect...
Stranger: and all beautiful girls are like dat....
Stranger: atleast in india..damn!!
You: Turns out she isn't that perfect.
You: There must be kind, beautiful girls in India.
Stranger: yeah...she isnt...but i still love her..i hate myself...just cant fall out of love..
You: Don't hate yourself 'cause of that. It's sort of a good thing, just not with her. But grow a pair and tell her everything.
Stranger: know what..i am gonna do that...fuck her
You: Yep! Fuck her.
You: She'll end up alone 'cause she had been with every guy lol.
Stranger: she knew i loved her truly...i think she will miss me...
You: Maybe she will.
Stranger: but i wanna teach her a lesson....
You: But if you leave her, and go back to her you will act weak and she'll think she can play with you again like a muppet.
Stranger: what would you do..if you were in my place.?
Stranger: what if a guy did that to you.?
You: I would confront him, ask him why he did this to me, tell him if he didn't stop this shit I'd leave him without a single tear.
Stranger: and if you really loved him even after all dis..?
You: Well, with love I believe trust and respect follows. And doing such shows you that this person doesn't respect you and you can't trust him or her.
You: I wouldn't be able to live with that
You: They will always tell you that they'll change, but that will last for max. a month, and then they're the same old one.
Stranger: you are sooo right....
You: Art is, to find someone who doesn't need to change at all.
You: Like my boyfriend. He's the perfect one for me. I don't want to change one single thing about him.
Stranger: now where in the world do i find someone like dat..? hardly any girl around where i work...just passed out of collrge dis year...facebook..?
Stranger: where did you find him..?
You: I met him at a concert. We have a lot of mutual friends, so we just started talking. And we talked like we had known each other for years!
Stranger: concert..oh know the social scene out here is pathetic..and i am too shy too approach a girl...
You: I'm really shy as well. But I got a thing fir him really quickly, so two days after we met I just had to kiss him, also because he seemed interested.
Stranger: okay..i know sounds lame..but what does a girl look in a guy..?
You: It's different. But a girl who want to find love and just not a relationship for fun, looks for a guy who can take care of her. Doesn't mean he should, but he should just be able to it. He shall support her, love her, talk to her when she's upset, listen to her and understand her. Also he should be a great lover.
Stranger: really..? good looks..? money..? this gets priority in india...
You: Looks are rather important as well and money is needed. But you shouldn't be a millionaire supermodel.
Stranger: hmm...i know ..suddenly they find a better guy...and they kick ur ass..
Stranger: even the guys do it...i dont like dis world..very few people like u..
You: Hmm... I know a lot of girls who are gorgeous and trustworthy :)
You: All taken by nice guys, of course!
Stranger: of sourse!
Stranger: like bf is very lucky...
You: Thanks :)
Stranger: you are sweet , i know you are beautiful...
You: How do you know that? :P
Stranger: beautiful words ...beautiful people...dats a famous qoute in india.
Stranger: *quote
You: Hahaha, alright. :)
Stranger: and i still dont belive u are 17...u sound like a 21 yr sure in life...i admire you amalie..completly..
You: Well, I am 17. And thank you so much. :)
Stranger: you are welcome dear...and cant thank you enough..not many would have listened to me so patiently...and given opinions so honestly..
You: That's what I do!
Stranger: thank you from the bottom of my heart....
You: You're so welcome!
Stranger: its was a pleasure meeting you amalie...hope to see u again ...sometime in life
You: Maybe, if destiny chooses to let us meet again :)
Stranger: i ll give you a call if i come to denmark... ;)
Stranger: bye sweets...
You: Have a great life :))
Stranger: yup, you like you...
Stranger: damn you have a boyfriend....!!!
Stranger: just joking... bye...
You: Hahahaha