Sunday 11 September 2011


Quitting smoking is easy
- I've done it a bunch of times!

Sometimes, I'm thinking about to quit smoking, as so many other people. But then I think, that I actually like it. But sometimes when I take a drag of a fag, I think: "what is this good for?", why do I smoke, why am I exactly taking this drag, this puff or whatever you'd like to call it, what is it that is doing that I just can't quit smoking, when I'm not actually addicted, though I've been smoking for two and a half year? I can go a day without smoking without any problems, like when I'm at my father's place, because he still doesn't know that I smoke. Or I don't think that he knows. And when I'm with Peter, I don't smoke that much as when I'm with people who smoke, which means I am not going to smoke that much when we're moving in together spring 2012, when he moves to Copenhagen.

I want to quit smoking and I want to continue smoking. Maybe I should just be a party smoker? But I like to have my own cigarettes and I like to smoke whenever I want to, but sometimes I don't even know why I'm smoking.
Why are you smoking?
Why aren't you smoking?
How can my best friend always have said no to just a drag? As I know, he has never touched a cigarette and nor one of my girl friends. How do they do? With some things I am getting tempted too easily, but it's not really with that many things, I know how to say no! It's just the cigarettes... I can say no, I just don't want to stop. Why don't I want to stop? Because I want to want to stop, if that even makes sense. The day I tell my father that I'm smoking, I'll make him talk to his cousin who is a hypnotist. He can be able to hypnotize me so I won't be addicted, so I can just quit like that. He hypnotized my father's phobia for birds away, so why shouldn't he be able to hypnotize my addiction to cigarettes away. Okay, I guess I am addicted. I don't want to be addicted. I want to stop. Not today, not tomorrow, but sooner or later, but not too late. And talking about late, I should be heading to bed soon.

(By the way, I needed to practice my English and enlarge my English vocabulary, so I'm starting to blog a bit more in English, if that's okay. Then everyone can read it. If they understand English...)

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