Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Update #2

No festivals at all, for Peter and I to experience and enjoy. KanalRock is too expensive, Force Attack messed up everything and we don't have a place to sleep in Berlin for Resist To Exist.
A while after we cancelled KanalRock, I was actually looking forward to Force Attack. But then, just last week (and it is held this weekend), our girl friend started talking about, that it was moved to Berlin, with no ability to camp. We checked it out and it was true. Then one or two days later, we read, that the place that Force Attacked asked rejected it, so it is held a whole third place, about 60 kilometers from Rostock, again with the ability to camp. But really, it's so fucking messed up and it kind of upsets me that I'm not going to any festivals. But that's life. I hope there will be no problems with Force Attack next year.
Instead of all this, we're planning on going for a little 5-7 days trip to the Netherlands to see Toy Dolls in 5 different cities, in October. Then Cock Sparrer is playing in Copenhagen in November and The Casualties in December, also in Copenhagen, so at least, we're going to see some great bands later this year.
It's an okay consolation.

But what are we going to spend our money on? Yeah, we're going to spend some money on buying old, used Playstation 1 games. I lost my Crash Team Racing, and I really want it back, and this guy from Den Blå Avis ("The Blue Newspaper", a Danish site where you can buy and sell used or new stuff, a lot like a Danish eBay) has it, and a lot of ther games which Peter wants. So we're just going to sit in our new flat and play video games. Aw Hell Yeah.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012


So, Peter came up with the idea to go to Force Attack and Resist to Exist instead of Kanalrock. Why? Because we can go to both festivals for about the same amount of money and it's cheaper to go to Rostock and the train from Klingendorf to Berlin is free the day Force Attack ends, so we can easily come to Resist to Exist and the ticket home to Denmark again only costs a bit more.
I was really looking forward to see Sham 69 and Toy Dolls at Kanalrock, though, but I guess Peter is right. It's just a bit too expensive, especially because I'm really only interested in those two bands. So why not go to two other festivals we know will be awesome, not matter what music plays? I've been thinking about it, and I say go for it. I'm in. Peter just needs to talk to his pal who has a room in Berlin where we might can stay, because I am not going to another country again, without an official place to sleep. It was horrible. And I'm not paying for a hotel room again. It was horrible.

But, yeah, that's pretty much the update.
I'm with Peter at the moment, in Aalborg, so I'm juuust fine!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Summer vacation

Summer, summer, summer!

So, it's summer again, just like last year and the year before that and so on. And I don't think I'll have that much time to blog before August, just like last year as well. I didn't in fact make one post in whole July last year, because I was way too busy with Peter and friends and Berlin and Peter and festival and Peter. And Peter. I'm not going to any other countries as a vacation, you know, we wouldn't be able to find the time, Peter and I. We earlier planned on maybe to go to Hamburg with a couple of friends, but, yeah... it's not going to happen. But it's okay, we'll be busy! We've got stuff to do.
Tomorrow, I'm going to my dad's place, just to see him a bit this summer and before he is going to Berlin. On Wednesday the 4th of July, I'm going to Aalborg, to see Peter of course. We'll just be chilling, until the 12th, because what happens that day? Yeah, it's so exciting... We are getting the key to our new flat. Ohh, how I just can't wait! I'm going to move by myself (with Peter, but you know, no parents), and boy, am I excited? I am indeed! We're going to spend out vacation on planning our flat, you know. Furniture, stuff for the kitchen, economics, all these kinds of things. But first, we have to inaugurate the apartment, if you know what I mean! And then we're going to do the sensible stuff.
But yeah... I simply just can't wait to move in with Peter, and then in Aalborg. Of course I love my hometown, Copenhagen, but Aalborg has been very charming as well, since I went there the first time, last summer. Also, Aalborg is so cheap to live in - our apartment is very central, I mean, it can't possibly get any more central than that and those flats are usually pretty expensive, right? Well, not ours. And the food is cheap as well and the beers on the bars! And I love cheap stuff, so Aalborg is definitely a city for me! Haha, nooo, it's also a very beautiful city, with old houses all the way back from the 1600's and maybe earlier. And then it's a city by a harbor, and I love harbors! Okay, do you get it? I love Aalborg!
I am so happy, my life is just as good as it can be! I sure can't explain.
I will probably take some pictures of the apartment and post them here, so you can see it; when we just move in and when we are DONE moving in, with furniture and stuff. 

The first weekend of August, Peter, I and a lot of friends will take a little trip to Norway, near Oslo to Kanalrock - another punk festival. Toy Dolls, Sham 69, Discharge, Oslo S and a lot more will play, so, yeah, can't wait for that either. It's going to be another awesome summer in the company of my beloved boyfriend!