Monday, 18 June 2012

Route 6A

Bus 6A takes me everywhere I need to go: to my father's, to school, home, at my girl friend's old home, at her new home, into the city, everywhere. Then once, there was this bus driver. He seemed like a standard mad bus driver, you know. Never smiling, or stuff. But recently, every time he's driving the bus I'm taking, he's recognizing me (not that it's hard to recognize me) and he's smiling and probably saying "good morning" or "hello" or stuff like that, I'm always listening to music but I'm smiling back at him, 'cause, you know, to be friendly. But earlier this week, I was going to meet up with a couple of my friends, and of course 6A could take me there. I went to the bus stop and was trying to figure out the new bus plans for the A bus', because they're stupid and confusing and non-telling. I wasn't looking at the road before I saw my bus (6A!) out of the corner of my eye. It stopped by the bus stop, even though no one was going off or on (except from me). It was that bus driver, who's always recognizing and smiling at me. Because I'm always taking 6A, he just assumed, or kind of knew, that I was going to as well that day. It felt kind of nice, you know. Quite nice.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

I hate you.

Yeah, you!

Yeah, that's right, I'm talking about you, insomnia and expensive public transport. Peter could have been here by now, if it wasn't because of you. I'm not hating him, I'm hating you two guys 'cause you're the fucking reasons! You're fucking douchebags! "Oh, so you're going to your girlfriend's birthday celebration next weekend? Well... then you won't need sleep, and especially not good sleep, whenever I let you rest!" and then the public transport is just an expensive whore. You pay way too much for something you don't really like in the end. You two are my enemies! You're the worst on this planet! I could just keep on going complaining about you, but it wouldn't help. Peter won't be here for that reason. Why, oh why? I just want to be with him and especially this weekend because it means a lot to me that he meets my family. If he's not going to this weekend, then when is he going to? We've been talking about celebrating Christmas at my father's place this year, but that won't happen till half a year. And then it's not my birthday. Well... it was my birthday last Sunday, but my father is celebrating it this weekend, you know. I don't know what to say... Peter says he'll come here on Thursday. Until then, I just want to complain about how unfair insomnia and prices are. Sometimes, it's not easy to have a long distance relationship, when it's so expensive just to see each other for about 30 hours. 500 DKK for 11 hours of bus-driving, because the bus has to stop elsewhere to pick up other people. 5 hours and twenty minutes each way. For about 250 DKK when it's in the weekend. Only 170 DKK from Monday to Thursday. 432 DKK is the standard price on a train ticket from Copenhagen to Aalborg, one way. One way only. That'd be 864 DKK for a return ticket, if I didn't have my Hypercard, which works as a Wildcard. Then, from Monday to Thursday and Saturday, I can take the train by half price. But still. But still, but still, but still. Yeah, but still, we manage to keep together and that's the most important thing. Every time people ask where he lives and I say Aalborg, they sometime ask if it isn't har to have a boyfriend that far away. Yes, of course it is, I miss him every second we're not together, but I simply just care too much about him, to let distance and money ruin our relationship. I just love him too much. I just love you too much, Peter.

Thursday, 7 June 2012


I love working in a kitchen!

Yes, what you see here is, that earlier today, I accidently cut my three fingers.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


One year of love

It was our anniversary this Saturday, the 2nd of June. We were originally going to have a picnic at a place called Kridtgraven. Some place with a lot of nature and some water and stuff like that, you know, but they said it was going to rain, so we thought just to go out and eat instead. When it was actually Saturday, not a drop of water fell from heaven, as we were awaken. Got a little pissed on that, but it was okay in the end, really.
Peter ordered a table at Jensen's Steak house for 6pm. We went outside to grab some lunch, at about 2-3pm, at the very famous (in Aalborg) "Fontænen" (The Fountain). It's just a little, nice grill where you can get a good, cheap burger, fries, hotdogs, whatever your junk food-hunger desires. We had fries to share, a bacon cheese burger and a Faxe Kondi each!
After our little lunch, we went for a walk to the East Harbor, where there were some abandoned factory buildings Peter really wanted to me. It was actually pretty rad. I was a little frightened, because that's how I am. The first building we went into, had this big, dark hall, and I am definitely not the biggest fan of darkness. Peter knew that, so he held my hand through it all and accepted if there were places I didn't want to go, like some wood-stairs, which I didn't trust, but we found some concrete stairs, which, you know, won't break. There wasn't really anything there but a little ladder where you could climb to the roof.
We went out to go to another, smaller, building. Peter said, that the view from the roof was very beautiful, that you could see a lot of Aalborg from there and of course a view over the harbor. I'd like to go to the roof, but the problem was, that it was kinda windy that day, especially around the harbor, it's always windy around water, and the stairs swayed "a lot", both with the wind and the weight, so I didn't really have the guts that time. Also, it was a tall staircase and the steps were very small, so if I had to go down the stairs again, I'd die or something like that. Or... Peter would save me (). But I guess I kind of "promised" him, that we could go up there some day. I have to get the guts somehow, anyways.

Now where did we come from? Yeah! We left to buy some candy for when we got home later. We waited at a square, near the restaurant and went inside when it was about time. We had a really nice time, just sitting there, chatting and starring into each other's eyes and I just couldn't stop smiling. I'm still so (almost terrifying) in love with him, as if we just met. I have a really good feeling about us. I mean, not that a year really is that much (compared to how long I'm going to be with him), but that I'm still this in love, is amazing. Ahh... I love my life... but yeah, I lost it again... just like I get lost in his eyes.. oh stop it! We ordered a snack basket as a starter and a whiskey steak. It was really delicious, and after we finished we just sat there, for, I don't know, 30 maybe 45 minutes, just doing what we started to do: chatting, starring, smiling. Still could stop smiling. Sometimes, we kissed too. I like his kisses... you know... he has these big, beautiful, soft, warm lips, which just melts together with yours. They can warm me up, all the way down to the tip of my toes, even though if we were in Siberia at the very coldest day of the history. When his lips touches mine (or just me in general, but especially my lips), I sometimes just start floating, you know, inside my head, of course. Gravity is no longer among us, we're just flying around in the universe... Argh! Stop it, you!!! I can't help it... I'm just so in love!

Thank you, for one of the
very best years of my life!