You: Sure.
Stranger: yup...
Stranger: are you a guy..?
You: No.
Stranger: oh great...
Stranger: lets get started girl....
Stranger: how old are you..?
You: Sure. Like.. dirty in "sexy" or dirty as in "take a bath"?
You: I'm 17.
Stranger: hahhaa...uh you are sure u are 17 right..?
You: Why shouldn't I be?
Stranger: you gotta know what " dirty " means ..?
You: I do know what it means, but we could talk dirty the other way, like talking about things that are actually nasty.
Stranger: aure...
Stranger: i means sure. lol
You: I mean*
Stranger: lol mean*
You: And also the capital i.
Stranger: you know...english is not my first easy on me dear...
You: It's not mine either.
Stranger: really..? where are you from..?
You: Denmark.
Stranger: hey nice, i am from india.
Stranger: and dont dissconnect
You: Ohh, cool. I love Bollywood films and Indian food, nom nom! :D
Stranger: yeah , bolywood is more famous than india , i suppose..
You: Lol maybe.
Stranger: sorry , i dont know much about denmark.
Stranger: hey, you know any indian stars.?
You: It's alright. There's not much to know, except from that we had the best children's story author - H.C. Andersen.
You: King Khan? :D
Stranger: aha..thats srk..sharukh fav.
You: My sister is simply in love with the manQ
You: !*
You: .. also, she makes the best butter chicken eveeerrrr
Stranger: really.? but do you understand hindi..? and butter chicken is simply yum..
You: No, non of us do. There's subtitles on the movies.
Stranger: oh nice..
Stranger: hey my name is aniket , i am 19..nice to meet ya.
You: I'm Amalie, you already know my age. You too :))
Stranger: yup, hey amalie you have a boyfriend.?
You: I do. That's why I didn't talk dirty in the first place, lol.
Stranger: well can you help me with a problem.?>
Stranger: i need a girls perspective on this.?
You: What?
Stranger: its about my "girl friend".
You: Okay?
Stranger: okay..well about 3 months ago, i got my first job...i met this girl age..pretty..very pretty actually..
Stranger: we hit off very well..she said she was single...we became good friends..and i started liking her..
Stranger: and even she showed signs of likin day she said she loves me..and i said yes...
Stranger: but she is extremly flirty in nature...
Stranger: she kinda gels with evry one..finds every other guy "cute.." phone numbers and even text them..
Stranger: she never lets me check her day i sneaked her phone..and saw some texts...those were kinda " dirty"...
You: Doesn't seem like you can trust her.
Stranger: yeah...i know...whats should i do..? i think she loves me..
You: Tell her that you checked her phone and that you know she talked dirty with other guys. Tell her that you want to be with her, but you can't if you cannot trust, that she won't flirt with every other guy.
Stranger: i know..but she is kinda good looking..better than me...i dont wanna lose her...what to do ..? i love her very much.
Stranger: should i confront her., leave her, or just play the game.?
You: Confront her!
You: Definitely. Or else she won't stop.
Stranger: far as i know her..she wont stop either ways..
You: Confront her and hope for the best
Stranger: whats the gaurantee..she will stop after i confront her..
You: Maybe she will, maybe she won't. If she won't, she ain't worth it, no matter how gorgeous she is.
Stranger: yeah..i know..i think i ll just ler go of her...its hurting me so much...
Stranger: why did she did that to me..?
You: Start confronting her and see if things will be alright.
You: I can't tell. I don't understand why she if doing this to you if she says that she loves you..
Stranger: yeah..becoz she was the one who kinda proposed me..? is she worth.? are all girls like dat>?
You: Not all girls are like her. I'm not, for example. When I have a boyfriend, I stick with him. If I wanted to go flirt with everyone, I woyldn't have a boyfriend.
Stranger: yeah u are right...i am so ..
You: Confront her.
Stranger: oh..okay...but what if she leaves me...? i need her ..i dont think she needs me ...
You: You don't necessarily need her. You did without her before you met her, you can now as well.
Stranger: i mean she has so many friends ...i fear i ll lose her even as a friend...i dont want that
Stranger: i dont have many friends..i love being wid dont get it..? its not that easy.
You: I get it. But you shouldn't ignore what she's doing, 'cause she's playing with your feelings.
Stranger: yeah...she is ..big time..oh ihate her for doing dat..
Stranger: shit..why cant i find a girl like you..? someone sensitive..
You: You can!
Stranger: you know ..she lies looking right into my eye..but. then i love her so much..
You: I can imagine, and I think I know her kind. She can make every man fall in love with her, and that's what she does. But she's so gorgeous that no one, including you, want to lose her... she's the weakness of the man, and you shouldn't fall for that.
Stranger: dats perfect..!!! thats what she does...whats her thinking behind doin such things,>.? what is she getting after doin all dis.?
You: It could be because she actually has a really low self esteem and that it makes her feel better that every man is attracted to her.
Stranger: wow..dats right..
Stranger: u are so right....
You: :)
Stranger: how to tackle her...?
You: You should just talk to her
Stranger: i mean should i just say every thing to all the guys she is flirting around,..?
You: Listen to her. Ask how she really feels. Confront her with what you saw in those messages, but don't argue. Talk about it with her nicely and quiet, and ask why she did this.
You: No, let her do that if you figure this out
Stranger: i think if i do dat...she will die of guilt...wont talk to me ever..
You: Make her feel that you truly love her, without even touching her or saying nice things, but because you talk with her and listen. Maybe that will open her eyes
Stranger: i think she has gone too deep in know once she was holding my hand and texting flirty msgs with another hand...isnt that sick.?
You: It really is. You should either did what I wrote or really just dump her.
Stranger: i think i ll do the latter....
Stranger: but you know what...i want an explanation as well...
You: I can't believe you accepted all this.
You: Yes. And you have all rights to demand an explanatoion.
Stranger: yeah...i guess i m too weak ..i feared losing her..rather still fear it..
You: You shouldn't fear it, 'cause she ain't really worth it. Other girls exist who are both beautiful and kind.
Stranger: no..i am too shy ..she really opened me up...cant imagine being with anyone else...she was so perfect...
Stranger: and all beautiful girls are like dat....
Stranger: atleast in india..damn!!
You: Turns out she isn't that perfect.
You: There must be kind, beautiful girls in India.
Stranger: yeah...she isnt...but i still love her..i hate myself...just cant fall out of love..
You: Don't hate yourself 'cause of that. It's sort of a good thing, just not with her. But grow a pair and tell her everything.
Stranger: know what..i am gonna do that...fuck her
You: Yep! Fuck her.
You: She'll end up alone 'cause she had been with every guy lol.
Stranger: she knew i loved her truly...i think she will miss me...
You: Maybe she will.
Stranger: but i wanna teach her a lesson....
You: But if you leave her, and go back to her you will act weak and she'll think she can play with you again like a muppet.
Stranger: what would you do..if you were in my place.?
Stranger: what if a guy did that to you.?
You: I would confront him, ask him why he did this to me, tell him if he didn't stop this shit I'd leave him without a single tear.
Stranger: and if you really loved him even after all dis..?
You: Well, with love I believe trust and respect follows. And doing such shows you that this person doesn't respect you and you can't trust him or her.
You: I wouldn't be able to live with that
You: They will always tell you that they'll change, but that will last for max. a month, and then they're the same old one.
Stranger: you are sooo right....
You: Art is, to find someone who doesn't need to change at all.
You: Like my boyfriend. He's the perfect one for me. I don't want to change one single thing about him.
Stranger: now where in the world do i find someone like dat..? hardly any girl around where i work...just passed out of collrge dis year...facebook..?
Stranger: where did you find him..?
You: I met him at a concert. We have a lot of mutual friends, so we just started talking. And we talked like we had known each other for years!
Stranger: concert..oh know the social scene out here is pathetic..and i am too shy too approach a girl...
You: I'm really shy as well. But I got a thing fir him really quickly, so two days after we met I just had to kiss him, also because he seemed interested.
Stranger: okay..i know sounds lame..but what does a girl look in a guy..?
You: It's different. But a girl who want to find love and just not a relationship for fun, looks for a guy who can take care of her. Doesn't mean he should, but he should just be able to it. He shall support her, love her, talk to her when she's upset, listen to her and understand her. Also he should be a great lover.
Stranger: really..? good looks..? money..? this gets priority in india...
You: Looks are rather important as well and money is needed. But you shouldn't be a millionaire supermodel.
Stranger: hmm...i know ..suddenly they find a better guy...and they kick ur ass..
Stranger: even the guys do it...i dont like dis world..very few people like u..
You: Hmm... I know a lot of girls who are gorgeous and trustworthy :)
You: All taken by nice guys, of course!
Stranger: of sourse!
Stranger: like bf is very lucky...
You: Thanks :)
Stranger: you are sweet , i know you are beautiful...
You: How do you know that? :P
Stranger: beautiful words ...beautiful people...dats a famous qoute in india.
Stranger: *quote
You: Hahaha, alright. :)
Stranger: and i still dont belive u are 17...u sound like a 21 yr sure in life...i admire you amalie..completly..
You: Well, I am 17. And thank you so much. :)
Stranger: you are welcome dear...and cant thank you enough..not many would have listened to me so patiently...and given opinions so honestly..
You: That's what I do!
Stranger: thank you from the bottom of my heart....
You: You're so welcome!
Stranger: its was a pleasure meeting you amalie...hope to see u again ...sometime in life
You: Maybe, if destiny chooses to let us meet again :)
Stranger: i ll give you a call if i come to denmark... ;)
Stranger: bye sweets...
You: Have a great life :))
Stranger: yup, you like you...
Stranger: damn you have a boyfriend....!!!
Stranger: just joking... bye...
You: Hahahaha